Terms and Privacy

To use this website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), please read the following terms and conditions. If you do not accept these Site Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "Site Terms of Use"), please stop using the Site.

1.1 The owner of the Site reserves the right to change the information, forms, content, Site, terms of use of the Site at any time.

1.2 Every natural and legal person who benefits from the services offered on this Site by paying a certain price or free of charge or who accesses the Site in any way is considered to have accepted the following terms of use. consignadoja.com may change these Website Terms of Use at any time. These changes will be posted periodically on the Site and will be effective on the date of posting. Any changes made by consignadoja.com to these Website Terms of Use are deemed to have been accepted in advance by all real and legal persons who benefit from the Website services and access to the Website.

1.3 These Website Terms of Use were last amended on 12.01.2010 and posted on the Website; has been made accessible and enforced by all persons using the Site. These Website Terms of Use are also an integral part of all types of agreements made and/or to be made with USERS and business partners who will benefit from the services of consignadoja.com.


2.1. website: The website that can be accessed online (online) where various services and contents are offered within the structure determined by consignadoja.com;

2.2. USER(S): Any natural and legal person who accesses the Site from the online environment (online);

2.3. LINK(S): The link(s) that allow access to another website, files, content or the Site, files and content of another website through the Site;

2.4. CONTENT(S): Refers to all types of information, files, images, figures, prices, etc. visual, literary and auditory images posted on or accessible from the Site and/or any website.

general provisions

3.1 consignadoja.com is completely free to determine which of the services and CONTENT it makes available within the Site will be subject to a fee.

3.2Those who benefit from the services offered by consignadoja.com and those who use the Site may only transact through the Site for lawful and personal/business purposes. Legal and criminal responsibility for each transaction and action taken by USERS within the Site belongs to them. Each USER accepts, declares and assumes that consignadoja.com will not engage in any business and action that violates the rights of consignadoja.com and/or third parties; will not disclose written, visual and audio information, and that consignadoja.com has the exclusive right to use, process, store, disclose and disclose to third parties any written, visual and audio information disclosed to consignadoja.com in any way at the time of disclosure to consignadoja.com. The USER accepts and undertakes not to reproduce, copy, distribute,

3.3. consignadoja.com, the institutions with which it cooperates, employees and managers of consignadoja.com, authorized resellers of consignadoja.com are not responsible for the services provided and content published by third parties within the Site. The commitment to the accuracy and legality of the information, content, visual and audio images provided and published by any third party is the sole responsibility of the third parties who perform these actions. consignadoja.com does not assume and guarantees the security, accuracy and legality of the services and CONTENT provided by third parties.

3.4 USERS shall not engage in any activity against consignadoja.com, other USERS and third parties using the Site. consignadoja.com has no direct and/or indirect liability for any damages incurred or that may be incurred by third parties due to activities on the Website carried out by USERS in violation of the provisions of these Website Terms of Use and the law.

3.5 USERS accept and undertake that the information and CONTENT provided by them to consignadoja.com within the Site are accurate and lawful. consignadoja.com, to investigate the accuracy of the information and content transmitted to consignadoja.com by USERS or uploaded, modified and provided by them through the Site; It is not obligated and responsible for undertaking and ensuring that such information and contents are safe, accurate and lawful.

3.6 USERS accept and undertake not to engage in activities that lead to unfair competition within the Site, in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, and not to carry out acts that damage the personal and commercial reputation of consignadoja.com and third parties, infringe and attack personal rights.

3.7 consignadoja.com reserves the right to change the services and CONTENT offered within the Site at any time. consignadoja.com may use this right without any prior notice and without notice. USERS are obliged to comply with the changes and/or corrections requested by consignadoja.com immediately. Changes and/or correction requests requested by consignadoja.com can be made directly by consignadoja.com, if deemed necessary. The damages, legal and criminal liabilities that arise or may arise due to the non-compliance by USERS with the change and/or correction requests requested by consignadoja.com in a timely manner, belong entirely to USERS.

3.8 Through the Site, LINKs may be provided by consignadoja.com to other sites and/or CONTENT and/or files owned and operated by third parties not under the control of consignadoja.com. These LINKS are provided for ease of reference only and do not constitute a representation or warranty of any kind supporting the relevant website or the person operating it or for the website or the information contained therein. consignadoja.com has no responsibility for the websites, files and CONTENT accessed through the LINKS on the Site and for the services or products offered from the websites accessed through these LINKS or their CONTENT.

3.9 consignadoja.com may use the information transmitted to it by USERS through the Site in accordance with the "Privacy Policy" and the provisions of the agreements it has made with USERS and other parties, process such information, classify and store it them in a database. consignadoja.com may also use information such as identity, address, email address, telephone, IP address, which parts of the Site the USER or visitor visits, domain type, browser type, date and time within the scope of the contracts with USERS, business partners and parties and for purposes such as statistical evaluation and provision of personalized services.

intellectual property rights

4.1The information accessed within this Site or provided by USERS in accordance with the law and all elements of this Site (including but not limited to the design, text, image, html code and other code) (collectively referred to as "consignadoja.com's Copyrighted Works ") belong to consignadoja.com and/or obtained under license by consignadoja.com from a third party. USERS do not have the right to resell, process, share, distribute, distribute, display consignadoja.com services, consignadoja.com information and copyrighted consignadoja.com works or allow any other person to access or use the services of consignadoja.com. Except as expressly permitted by consignadoja.com within these Website Terms of Use, USERS may not reproduce, process,

4.2 Unless expressly authorized by consignadoja.com within these Website Terms of Use, consignadoja.com reserves all rights to consignadoja.com services, consignadoja.com information, consignadoja.com copyrighted works, trademarks consignadoja.com, commercial appearance consignadoja.com or other assets and information provided through this Site.

Changes to the Website Terms of Use

consignadoja.com may, in its sole discretion, change these Website Terms of Use at any time by announcing them on the Website. The amended provisions of these Website Terms of Use will take effect on the date they are announced. These Website Terms of Use cannot be changed by USER's unilateral declarations.

Force Majeure

In all cases considered of force majeure law, consignadoja.com will not be responsible for the delay or non-performance of any of these Terms of Use and "Privacy Policy" of the Site. These and other similar situations will not be considered as delay or non-compliance or default for consignadoja.com, nor will there be any obligation to compensate consignadoja.com for these situations. The term "force majeure" shall be interpreted as events beyond the reasonable control of the relevant party and which consignadoja.com cannot prevent despite due diligence. In addition, but not limited to natural disasters, riots, war, strikes, communication problems, infrastructure and Internet failures, power outages and bad weather, attacks on the Site and the system despite the consignadoja.

Applicable Law and Authorization

In implementing and interpreting these Website Terms of Use and managing the legal relationships that arise within these Website Terms of Use, Turkish law will apply, except for the Turkish conflict of laws rules in the case of a foreign element. The Istanbul Central Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve any disputes arising or which may arise from these Terms of Use.

Efficacy and Acceptance

These Terms of Use for the Site will be effective on the date they are announced by consignadoja.com on the Site. USERS accept the provisions of these Website Terms of Use by using the Website. consignadoja.com may change the provisions of these Website Terms of Use at any time and the changes take effect on the date of publication on the Website, specifying the version number and date of the change.

Version (1.0.0)