Who are We?

On this site, we provide information about finance, in a clear, easy to read and interpret way. We clarify that our research team has NO connection or relationship with the entities mentioned in each of the entries.

With all the conviction to help, the Consignado Já research group has set itself the task of creating a series of entries with the necessary information about the credits offered by the different entities, so that you can make the decision to apply for the one you like the most.

Our team

We are an interdisciplinary team, created to offer an alternative to the job search, so we have specialists in technology, administration, among other areas, which allows us to share precise and quality information.

Our values

  • Honesty
  • Integrity;
  • Quality over quantity;
  • Vocation of service;
  • Contact information;
  • For any personalized information, please do not hesitate to write to us on our contact page.

How does Consignado Já work?

It researches the market for you and reveals the most suitable offers.
It compares the products that will meet your needs with the most up-to-date prices and all the details.
It closely monitors and develops its systems so that you can get quick returns from banks and insurance companies and reach the best price in the easiest way.
The use of Consignado Já is free for all consumers at all stages.

Why should I use the Consignado Já?

Every month, millions of people benefit from using the Consignado Já for their financial needs:

  • Don't burn your pocket: Compare the entire market in one place and always find the cheapest product.
  • Get your deals done quickly: Use the fastest and easiest method to buy insurance or take out a loan.
  • No more questions and worries: Access financial information transparently on a neutral platform and get accurate and
  • comprehensive information.
  • Get support: Benefit from the power of the platform used by millions; let's get better service from banks and insurance companies together, let's follow up on your problems and process them together.

Does Consignado Já only compare prices?

In addition to its price comparison service, Consignado Já allows you to order banking products online and purchase insurance policies through its insurance subsidiary Consignado Já. In addition:

  • It works to make insurance companies' sales processes and banks' loan approval and utilization processes faster and more user-friendly.
  • It supports consumers with timely alerts, such as insurance renewal alarms and loan restructuring alarms, and strives to ensure that there is no room for financial error.
  • He works with experts identifying the issues consumers need and creates financial guidance articles and account tools. He monitors the fate of the bank and insurance customers he serves and tries to prevent them from becoming victims.

Why should I trust the Consignado Já data?

Consignado Já works integrated with the systems of insurance companies and banks. It regularly receives insurance policy premium values and interest rates for loans and deposits from banks.

The information in the Consignado Já guide is created by industry experts and the calculation tools are created by the R&D team specializing in finance.

Do your agreements with companies/banks affect the comparison results?

Consignado Já does not favor any institution according to the size of its financial agreements. Our main goal is to increase the awareness of our users and to be the comparison platform that conscientious users consistently prefer. However, financial institutions whose processes are more suitable for digital and meet users' needs at a higher rate can be presented in various areas of Consignado Já.

If you also find Consignado Já useful, support this system by making your online banking and insurance applications on our site and help us contribute to more people.

How do you protect my data?

Consignado Já assumes your security and confidentiality when encrypting and processing your information with the SSL security certificate owned by the domain name.
Name, address, phone number, email and any personal information to identify the user; Consignado Já is not shared with third parties and institutions other than those applied by the consumer in accordance with this privacy policy.